K&P Exteriors Accredited by BBB and Team Dave Logan!
K&P Exteriors is accredited through the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating since 2014. An A+ rating means that the BBB has confidence the company operates well and is trustworthy. The BBB was founded in 1912 as a private, nonprofit organization and focuses on marketplace trust. Ratings, reviews and complaints for companies accredited by the BBB are free to view online. Businesses granted accreditation through the BBB must follow all nationwide industry standards.
K&P Exteriors BBB listing: https://www.bbb.org/us/co/denver/profile/roofing-contractors/k-p-exteriors-0885-90168646
K&P Exteriors has been trusted by Team Dave Logan since 2017. Team Dave Logan assembles a list of home building and repair professionals specific to Colorado. Companies trusted by Team Dave Logan go through an extensive pre-screening process, and are annually screened during their membership. Reviews and testimonials are free to view online. Team Dave Logan assembles a list of the best professionals for local communities! If a company is backed by Team Dave Logan, you can rest assured those professionals can be trusted in your home.
Team Dave Logan Listing: https://teamdavelogan.com/companies/k-p-roofing-llc/#a-reviews
The K&P Exteriors team can help you explore and understand options to protect your roof. Need a roof or exterior inspection and repair from a qualified professional?
Contact us today!
K&P Exteriors Phone: 303.853.0072
K&P Exteriors Email: [email protected]
K&P Exteriors Website: https://kpexteriors.com/
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