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A Guide to Green Building Materials

We care a lot about the environment at K & P Exteriors, And new advancements in construction materials have made it easier to make environmentally-friendly choices for your home. 

Green Building Myths Debunked

  1. “I don’t want to live in an ugly home” While there are some pretty wild looking eco-friendly homes out there, there are plenty of ways for you to enjoy a green home without living in a Hobbit hole. In fact, many environmentally friendly homes look no different from regular builds. 
  2. “Using eco-friendly materials is too expensive.” Going green has become more mainstream, which means adding eco-friendly materials to your home is a smaller investment than you might think. Investing in high-quality materials reduces the need for future repairs, saving you more in the long run. Choosing green building materials may help improve your home’s resale value, and you could even be eligible for tax benefits too. 
  3. “It doesn’t matter if my home is eco-friendly.” Eco-friendly building materials can help improve your home’s air quality and lower your monthly bills, in addition to reducing your environmental footprint. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 569 million tons of construction and demolition waste were produced in the U.S. in 2017—by choosing environmentally-friendly materials, you can help lower this number considerably. 

Types of Green Building Materials

  • Recycled and recyclable materials. Metal, clay, slate, and even vinyl are all recyclable, which means they can be diverted from the landfill rather than contributing to the high amounts of construction and demolition waste.
  • Natural materials. You’re probably familiar with cellulose insulation, but some manufacturers are going a step further and using bales of straw and sheep’s wool to keep homes cool in the summer and warm in the winter. 
  • Reclaimed materials. Different from recycled materials, which are often broken down and remade, reclaimed materials allow builders to repurpose ‘perfectly good’ waste rather than discarding it. The use of reclaimed wood has significantly increased with the rise of rustic decor trends. 

When it comes to materials, it’s important to keep our climate in mind. Colorado is known for snowy winters and hot summers, so you’ll want to choose materials that can stand up to the elements. 

K & P Exteriors is your source for home exterior repairs, replacements, and installations in Colorado. We’ll work directly with you to determine the best materials for your project’s needs, and we strive to do what we can to reduce our environmental impact. Visit our website or call (303) 853-0072 to get started today!

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