Types of Vents for Your Home
There are many different types of vents for your home. Venting out air from your attic is extremely important. See our other blog post Roofing Ventilation. Here is a simple rundown of vent types.
Static Vents
These types of vents passively allow moisture and hot air to leave your attic. Static vents do not move or make noise. They can be placed mostly anywhere on your roof. In addition, static vents come in many different styles, colors, and sizes. Homeowners can choose different types of static roof vents to maximize the air flow efficiency in your attic. The most common types of static vents are: Box vent, Ridge vent, Cupola vent, Off ridge vent, and Soffit vent.
Moving Vents
Moving vents actively remove hot air and moisture from your roof by using wind power to operate. The most common type of moving roof vent is the wind turbine. Wind turbine vents are rather large so that they can catch wind to move effectively. Unfortunately, moving vents such as the wind turbine can make noises while they work. However, new technology and materials for wind powered vents are being developed to address this issue.
Electric Vents
Just like their name suggests, Electric Vents use electricity from your home to operate. Electric vents are a good option if you live in a very hot area or a very high moisture. Always hire a professional to install electric vents to ensure proper instillation, safety, insurance, and even rebate guidelines. The most common electric vent is the typical Power Vent.
Solar Power used to operate electric vents
An electric vent may be the best option for many homeowners. However, the extra electric bill is not ideal. Consider then powering electric vents with solar! Power vents now have specifically sized solar panels. The solar panels sit on the roof with the vents. Always seek professional assistance for solar technology options and installation!
K&P Exteriors can help you explore and understand options for your home exteriors.
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